
  • 您好,機車模擬器球迷
    晚上好,與許多人打招呼, 朋友的鐵路

    123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789

  • 中國的問候




  • Ich antworte jetzt auf den Thread, auch wenn Chinesisch etwas mühsam ist...
    Englisch wäre wirklich besser...




    PS:当然,谷歌翻译! :)

    Hallo Eisenbahnfreund,

    Ich glaube nicht dass hier jemand Chinesisch spricht.
    Am besten wäre es, du würdest trotzdem Englisch schreiben, denn wenn du nur Chinesisch kannst, erschwert uns das die Kommunikation sehr.
    Nun zu deinen Wünschen:
    Loksim ist ein kostenfreier Simulator, deshalb investieren viele Leute ihre Freizeit darein, solche Wünsche wie Aussenansicht sind technisch einfach schwierig.
    Über eine Englische Version lohnt es sich vielleicht, nachzudenken, aber auch dies erfordert eben viel Aufwand der Entwickler.


    PS: Das ist natürlich Google Translate! :)
    PPS: Daniel P war schneller!

  • Hallo

    Während der Fahrt schauen sich Fahrer ihre Triebwagen auch nicht von oben an. Das Auslassen einer Außenansicht, ist daher realistischer.

    Chinesisch: (google)

    Englisch: (google)
    During the journey, riders look at their railcars and not from above. The omission of an exterior view is to be more realistic.

    Kölsch: ;)
    En Usseanseech ess nid su jood.


  • Hello, LokSim fans

    朋友的鐵路 doesn't speak english for himself, but he asked me, his li'l brother, without any railway-grounding, for translate his Post in this forum in an halfway acceptable english and so we can answere you in an not so exotic language :).

    He thanks you for your fast reaction to his post and wanted to say that I should tell you it.

    Because, he didn't have some other questions about "LokSim" it would be OK to close the theme.

    @b.rie: 朋友的鐵路s tastature can't latin letters, like your tastature can't make some chinese letters, and so I must change the tastature for all my mails to Europe or North America.

    Greetings from a sleeping Bejing, the brother of 朋友的鐵路.

    P.S: I ever wanted to learn german, but if I see the language, I must agree with the guys who say that it is more difficult for a chinese to learn german as for an german to learn chinese ;).

  • I'd wonder; as a Polishman I can say German is a very, very simple language (though they don't like to hear it xD); and as there are many south-eastern asian immigrants in Poland speaking Polish without a slightest accent, I'm quite sure German shouldn't be a big obstacle for you.

    Triebfahrzeugführer im Streckendienst der DB Fernverkehr in Frankfurt/Main
    BR: 101, 120, 147.5, IC-Steuerwagen, IC2-Steuerwagen, 401 ("ICE 1"), 402 ("ICE 2"), 403 ("ICE 3"), 406 ("ICE 3M"/"ICE 3MF"), 407 ("neuer ICE 3"), 411 ("ICE T"), 415 ("ICE T")

  • Hello,

    unfortunately at the moment only some minor parts (i.e. Setup, PackageManager and the editor for weather files) are available in English :( But it's definitely on our roadmap to translate also the simulator itself. I hope we will finish this translation in the next few months, so that we can ship version 2.8.2 with an English simulator. If everything goes according to plan, this version will be released in Q1 2013.

    The translation of the editor and the documents is quite a lot of work, so I really can't say if or when this will be done. Maybe we can try to include at least some basic tutorials in English.

    It's always nice to hear from people outside Europe, that are interested in Loksim3D! (And a reason to translate our program ;) )

    Best Regards from Austria