Installation problem with Loksim 2.5.1 EN

  • Hello,
    I have downloaded Loksim 3D 2.5.1 English from Loksim Website.
    When completing the installation i get an error message telling me that the file "Loksim3Den" cannot be found.
    Then in the Loksim directory I find two new installed program files "Loksim3D.exe" and "LoksimEdit.exe" and when I launch them I get the german version instead of the english one.
    It seems there is something wrong with the installation
    Can anyone help me on this?
    thank you

  • installed the updated package "" for Loksim 2.5.1 but it gives me problems again.
    When completing the installation i still get the error message "Loksim3Den cannot be found".
    When I launch "Loksim3D.exe" I get the 2.5.1 version with the following problems:
    The main panel reports Loksim 2.4.1
    panels translation is a mix of italian (for features already present in version 2.4.1) and german (new features)

    With "LoksimEdit.exe" i get an even worser situation:
    contextual menus are in german
    features already present in version 2.4.1 are in italian while 2.5.1 ones are in german.
    panel for editing throttle steps for loco does not open
    panel for editing strecke characteristics does not open then program crash

    Ive tried to erase all Loksim folders and previous 2.4.1 and 2.5.1 german installation and erased all registry entries but still get the same errors

    Any help will be much appreciated
    thank you

  • I'v tried to install the english version and it worked fine, but then the programs itself appeared in german, too, even though I had launched the english version.
    On my computer it could also have something to do with the parallel installation of the german version and the general language setting of my pc, but I suppose that there is some error in the program, so you should contact the developers.


  • Jan,

    Ive made further investigation on this topic and found that Loksim 2.5.x modifies the language settings in accordance with the one selected in the international and language windows preferences panel.
    That means that changing the selection from italian to english restored the english version of Loksim.

    Nevertheless there are still some translation problems around, contextual and list menus still appears still in german and most important, I had the following editor issues:

    a) crash when opening the "vorwarts" or "ruckwarts" tab in "eigenschaften"
    b) buttons that involve calculations dont work.
    c) the "charakteristik der fahrstufen" tab does not open

    With the german version I installed, all works fine

    I will inform Ralf Gryga of the above issues.
    thank you for your help